Dedicated to Preventing Identity Theft, ID Fraud and Cyber Crime
Dedicated To Preventing Identity Theft, ID Fraud and Cyber Crime
WARNING: Identity Theft The Fastest Growing White Collar Crime in AmericaAccording to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Identity Fraud / Identity Theft has been the Top consumer complaint for the past 13 years. Children may be 51 times more likely than adults to have their identity stolen (All Clear ID Carnegie Mellon Report). Click on the image now to learn how you can FIGHT BACK!
The Shocking Truth About Cyber CrimeEvery day an estimated 75 million scam emails are sent claiming 2,000 victims. 73% of Americans have experienced some form of cyber crime. 25% of cyber crime remains unresolved. Click on the image now to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Is Your Profile Contributing to Online Fraud?Social media sites are contributing to Online Fraud. According to the Identity Resource Center, 68% of people share their birthday information, 45% share the month, date and year. Another 18% share their phone number. Click on the imgage now to learn more.